Outlawz Monday Greetings Challenge

Welcome to the Outlawz Monday Greetings Challenge where we are focusing on happy hellos, and our sponsor Hetty Clare‘s sweet images. An optional twist is to add a bird (extra chance for a prize too!). Join us here. You can also check our work out and follow us on our Facebook page, The Outlawz Challenges Fan Group.

I’m using this image on my card,

I love this sweet image! Who doesn’t love a little dose of happy mail every so often? I’m actually sitting here writing several notes in my handmade cards this evening to go out with some funeral pamphlets from my uncle’s funeral. Many of his friends live far away and couldn’t make it for the burial service we had recently.

Sending A Happy Hello

I hope you are soaking up the summer season wherever you are. I’m seeing stores stocking back-to-school supplies and even some Halloween things….eeek!

Come play along with us and maybe even win some prizes.

Our sponsor, Hetty Clare Art is giving away 2 images from her shop.