Celebrating 4 months!

October 24, Phebes birthday cuppie

We love birthdays in this house!  You can never be too young or too old to celebrate!  Don’t worry, DD3 didn’t partake of the cuppie goodness!!

The recipe I used, a homemade funfetti cake recipe w/delicious buttercream frosting!  Very yummy!  I did use her cake recipe instead of her cupcake recipe.  Very tasty indeed!

DD2 said they looked like they came from a bakery.  All I used was a baggie and cut the end off one of the corners and squeezed it out and swirled it around and around.  I’m NOT a  cake decorator by any stretch of the imagination, so I was pleased with how they turned out too!!

 October 24, birthday cupcakes

October 24, birthday cuppies up close

And this amazing little lunch packing accessory….a cupcake holder!  I’m not usually a sucker for this kind of stuff hanging on the end caps of store aisles!  But this one caught my eye and it does the trick.  DD2 has also used it for her trail mix or chips in her lunch….trust me, we don’t always have cupcakes in the house!

October 24, cuppie holder

Hungry for cupcakes yet?  🙂

Have a wonderful Friday.  It seems like it was just Friday and here we are again.  I can’t wait for another work-a-thon Saturday.  Truly!  I love the extra hands and entertainment for DD3.  I have hardly gotten anything done this week.  Just a few piddly things each day and that. is. fine.  I know!  I’ve just had to take the time to catch some zzzz’s when I could.    Both by myself and with DD3.  The nights have been long and the days short.  What a wonder week!

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